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Automating Data Transfer Between Cloud Storage Buckets on Google Cloud Platform

Discover how to streamline your data management by automating the transfer of data between Cloud Storage buckets on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Cloud Functions and Cloud Pub/Sub.


In a world increasingly driven by data, efficient management of data storage and transfer is paramount, especially for organizations leveraging cloud solutions like Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This article provides a comprehensive guide on automating data transfer between Cloud Storage buckets in GCP, a common task that can be simplified using Cloud Functions and Cloud Pub/Sub for improved data handling and operational continuity.

Understanding the Scenario

Let’s consider a situation where an organization requires regular transfer of newly uploaded data from one Cloud Storage bucket to another for processing or backup purposes. Manual handling of this process can be time-consuming and prone to human error, necessitating an automated solution.

Setting up the Environment

Before we dive into the solution, ensure that you have a Google Cloud Platform account and the gcloud command-line tool installed and configured. Additionally, create two Cloud Storage buckets (source and destination).

  1. Log into your GCP console.
  2. Navigate to Cloud Storage and create two buckets: source-bucket and destination-bucket.

Automating Data Transfer with Cloud Functions

The automation process involves creating a Cloud Function triggered by Cloud Pub/Sub to detect when new files are uploaded to the source bucket and subsequently initiate a transfer to the destination bucket.

Step 1: Setting up Cloud Pub/Sub Notification for the Source Bucket

First, create a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that the Cloud Function will subscribe to:

gcloud pubsub topics create my-topic

Then, configure the source bucket to send notifications to this topic:

gsutil notification create -t my-topic -f json gs://source-bucket

Step 2: Creating the Cloud Function

Navigate to the Cloud Functions section in GCP console and create a new function with the following settings:

  • Name: transfer-data-function
  • Trigger: Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Topic: my-topic
  • Runtime: Python 3.7

In the inline editor, paste the following Python code:

def transfer_data(event, context):
    from google.cloud import storage

    # Initialize the GCP Storage client
    storage_client = storage.Client()

    # Extract the file information from the event
    file_data = event['data']
    bucket_name = file_data['bucket']
    file_name = file_data['name']

    source_bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
    destination_bucket = storage_client.bucket('destination-bucket')

    # Copy the file from the source bucket to the destination bucket
    source_blob = source_bucket.blob(file_name)
    destination_blob = destination_bucket.blob(file_name)

    # Perform the copy operation

    print(f"Transferred {file_name} from {bucket_name} to destination-bucket.")

Deploy the function by clicking “Deploy”.

Testing the Solution

To test the automated data transfer, upload a file to the source bucket:

gsutil cp myfile.txt gs://source-bucket

Once uploaded, the Cloud Function will automatically be triggered, and the file should be copied to the destination bucket shortly. Verify the transfer by listing the contents of the destination bucket:

gsutil ls gs://destination-bucket

If the setup was successful, you will see myfile.txt listed in the destination bucket.


Automating data transfer between Cloud Storage buckets on the Google Cloud Platform simplifies data management, reduces the potential for human error, and enhances operational efficiency. This guide has demonstrated how to leverage Cloud Functions and Cloud Pub/Sub to achieve seamless data transfers. By customizing and expanding upon this solution, organizations can significantly improve their data handling processes.
