7 Rules In North Korea Meant To Be Broken

I spent over two years traveling through some of the most extreme and isolated nations on earth to produce 7 Rules In North Korea Meant To Be Broken, a book showcasing my experiences in North Korea and the Middle East, as well as 50 other isolated countries. I was equipped with some of the best Canon photography equipment and used my skills as a photographer and writer to capture a world that is seen by few on the inside.

In order to create this book, I spent many months visiting North Korea, entering from Beijing, China. Through my lens, I sought to reveal the realities of life in North Korea, a country plagued by racism, ill-served by its politicians, and isolated from the rapidly expanding western culture outside its borders. I discovered areas of beauty in the simple, overlooked corners of North Korean life, and used my photography and writing to provide a powerful and provocative look at some of the world’s most remote locations.

David Maiolo’s 7 Rules In North Korea Meant To Be Broken redefined the icons of North Korea in just 35 pages. My seemingly intuitive, immediate, off-kilter style, along with my method of brilliantly linking my photographs together thematically, conceptually, formally, and linguistically, made this book unique. More of an ode or a poem than a literal document, the book is a testament to the power of photography and the importance of exploring the world’s most remote locations. For copyright reasons, please contact me for the full resolution publication.

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