Debunking the Hype: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by 2027?

The conversation around Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intensifying, with headlines proclaiming imminent breakthroughs. One prominent voice is Leopold Ashen Brener, a former OpenAI employee, who claims that Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is just around the corner. In a recent 165-page essay, he elucidates why he believes AGI will surpass human intelligence by 2027. While his arguments are compelling, there are reasons to approach such predictions with skepticism.

Artificial Intelligence future predictions” alt=”Artificial Intelligence future predictions” />

The Case for Rapid AI Advancement

Ashen Brener argues that burgeoning computing power and continuous algorithmic improvements are driving exponential AI performance gains. According to him, factors such as advanced computing clusters and self-improving algorithms will soon make AI outperform humans in virtually every task. He suggests that these advancements will continue unabated for at least a few more years, making AGI a tangible reality by 2027.

“The most relevant factors that currently contribute to the growth of AI performance is the increase of computing clusters and improvements of the algorithms.” – Leopold Ashen Brener

While I agree with his assessment that exponential improvement can lead to significant breakthroughs, the pragmatist in me questions the feasibility of his timeline. My background in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning informs my understanding, and I believe there are significant hurdles that need addressing.

Energy and Data: The Unsung Limitations

One of the major oversight in Ashen Brener’s predictions involves the massive energy consumption required for training and running advanced AI models. By his own calculations, advanced models will demand up to 100 gigawatts of power by 2030, equating to the output of about a thousand new power plants. This is not just a logistical nightmare but also a financial one – the costs will run into trillions of dollars.

High power consumption of AI” alt=”High power consumption of AI” />

Additionally, he dismisses the challenge of data requirements. As models grow, so does their need for data. Ashen Brener proposes using robots to collect new data, yet he underestimates the complexity of creating a robot-driven economy. Developing, deploying, and scaling a global robot workforce is not just a technical issue but one that requires a seismic shift in the current economic structure, likely taking decades to accomplish.

“By 2030, they’ll run at 100 gigawatts at a cost of a trillion dollars. Build 1,200 new power stations? You got to be kidding me.” – Me

My assumption is that AGI will indeed unlock monumental scientific advancements. AI’s potential to analyze vast amounts of existing scientific literature and prevent human errors is an undeniable advantage. However, this does not mean a rapid, uncontrollable intelligence explosion. Historical overestimations by prominent figures, such as Marvin Minsky in the 1970s and Herbert Simon in the 1960s, serve as reminders to temper our expectations.

Security and Ethical Implications

Ashen Brener also dedicates part of his essay to discussing the geopolitical tensions that AGI could exacerbate, mainly focusing on a U.S.-China dichotomy. He warns that as governments wake up to AGI’s full potential, they will compete fiercely to gain control over it, likely imposing stringent security measures. This is plausible but reductive, neglecting the broader global context and the impending climate crisis.

“The world economy is about to be crushed by a climate crisis, and people currently seriously underestimate just how big an impact AGI will make.” – Me

The risks associated with AGI are indeed enormous, from ethical considerations in deployment to potential misuse in warfare or surveillance. As someone who has worked extensively in cloud solutions and AI, my stance is that these security issues highlight the necessity for robust governance frameworks and international collaborations.

” controls>

Conclusion: A Balanced Perspective

While Ashen Brener’s essay underscores fascinating prospects in the realm of AGI, it’s critical to parse speculation from plausible forecasts. The energy constraints, data requirements, and socioeconomic transformations he glosses over are non-trivial hurdles.

History teaches us that radical technological predictions often overlook the rate of systemic change required. Hence, while optimism for AGI’s potential is warranted, we must remain grounded in addressing practical barriers. The intelligence explosion isn’t as near as Ashen Brener anticipates, but it does not mean that ongoing developments in AI are any less exciting or impactful.

“AI will revolutionize many aspects of our lives, but it won’t happen overnight. Systemic challenges like energy limitations and data scarcity should temper our expectations.” – Me

Focus Keyphrase: Artificial General Intelligence


Fostering Community Spirit: Higher Secondary School Assar Wins Friendly Volleyball Match


The recent friendly volleyball match at Higher Secondary School, Assar, orchestrated by the Indian Army, was not just a game; it was a celebration of community spirit and mutual understanding. This exhilarating event set the stage for Higher Secondary School Assar and New Star Club Assar to showcase their athletic skills and reinforce the strong bond between the local community and the Indian Army.

From the outset, both teams displayed extraordinary prowess on the court, captivating the audience with strategic plays and remarkable athleticism. Higher Secondary School Assar demonstrated exceptional skill and unwavering determination, clinching victory with a 2-0 win in a best-of-three sets format. Their remarkable performance transformed each moment of the match into a thrilling spectacle.

The event drew an enthusiastic crowd of 120 spectators, including the entire cadre of school teachers, the vice principal, and a vibrant assembly of school children. The community’s support was palpable, underscoring the broad appeal of the event.

  • Participants: Higher Secondary School Assar vs. New Star Club Assar
  • Outcome: Higher Secondary School Assar won with a 2-0 victory
  • Audience: 120 spectators including teachers, school children, and local youth

Volleyball match at Higher Secondary School Assar

The Importance of Community Engagement

This friendly match was more than just a sporting event. It served as a vital platform to fortify the bond between the Army and the local populace. The resounding success of this event highlighted the Army’s unwavering commitment to serving the nation and its dedication to fostering strong, positive relationships with the communities it protects.

The prize distribution ceremony that followed the intense match honored both the triumphant Higher Secondary School Assar team and the valiant New Star Club Assar team, celebrating their efforts and sportsmanship. This ceremony, along with the match itself, offered thrilling entertainment and reinforced the significance of community cohesion.

A Broader Perspective on Community Sports Initiatives

As a consultant deeply involved in technological advancements and community initiatives, I find such events profoundly impactful. They echo the sentiments of my previous articles on the importance of community engagement and mutual support. For instance, fostering a sense of local camaraderie has parallels with the collaborative spirit seen in technological and educational advancements.

In my experience, whether it’s working on advanced AI solutions or participating in amateur astronomy with friends, the underlying principle remains the same—community and teamwork drive progress. The Higher Secondary School Assar’s victory is a testament to what can be achieved when community spirit is nurtured and celebrated.

Community engagement at sports events

Closing Thoughts

Such initiatives are not just about winning or losing; they are about bringing people together, fostering understanding, and building a sense of community. As we continue to develop in various fields, let us remember the importance of staying connected with our local communities and participating in events that bring us closer.

For more insights on community initiatives, technology, and AI, delve into my previous articles where similar themes are explored, such as the significance of modular arithmetic applications in cryptography and AI.

Indian Army community engagement

Focus Keyphrase: Community Spirit in Sports


Creactives and Bain & Company Join Forces to Revolutionize Procurement with AI

On May 31, 2024, Creactives Group S.p.A. (“Creactives Group” or the “Company”), an international firm specializing in Artificial Intelligence technologies for Supply Chain management, and Bain & Company, a global consultancy giant, announced a groundbreaking strategic agreement. This collaboration promises to redefine procurement processes by leveraging AI to enhance data quality and drive swift business transformations.

As someone deeply invested in the evolution of AI through my work at DBGM Consulting, Inc. ( DBGM Consulting), the recent developments between Creactives and Bain resonate with my commitment to advancing AI-driven solutions in real-world applications. Artificial Intelligence holds incredible potential for transforming various facets of business operations, particularly in procurement—a critical component of any supply chain.

According to the announcement, the partnership aims to deliver the next generation of intelligence for procurement, fueled by Creactives’ cutting-edge AI for Data Quality Management. Both organizations are dedicated to helping clients achieve enhanced operational efficiency and strategic transformation at an accelerated pace. “Creactives Artificial Intelligence solution can contribute to the success of procurement transformations, delivering augmented insights, increased efficiencies, and sustainability over time,” said Flavio Monteleone, Partner with Bain & Company.

Why This Partnership Matters

In my experience working with AI, particularly in the development of machine learning models and process automation, accurate and reliable data is the cornerstone of any successful AI deployment. This partnership underscores the essential role of data quality in business decision-making. By combining Creactives’ technological prowess with Bain’s strategic consultancy expertise, businesses stand to benefit immensely from more insightful, data-driven procurement strategies.

The focus on data quality also aligns closely with my earlier discussions on modular arithmetic applications in AI, where precise data acts as a backbone for robust outcomes. The collaboration between Creactives and Bain is poised to elevate how companies manage procurement data, ensuring that business decisions are not just timely but also informed by high-quality data.

We must note the key areas where this partnership is likely to make a significant impact:

  • Data Quality Management: Ensuring high standards of data accuracy, completeness, and consistency.
  • Augmented Insights: Leveraging AI to provide deeper, actionable insights into procurement processes.
  • Operational Efficiency: Enhancing the speed and efficacy of procurement operations.
  • Sustainability: Promoting long-term, sustainable procurement practices through intelligent resource management.

Paolo Gamberoni, Creactives CEO, highlighted the uniqueness of this partnership, stating, “Partnering with Bain is an exciting opportunity to deliver unique value to complex enterprises worldwide, by combining our Artificial Intelligence with Bain global management consultancy.”

<Creactives Bain partnership announcement>

The Future of Procurement in the Age of AI

This agreement signifies a pivotal moment in the integration of AI within procurement, setting a precedent for future innovations in the field. As I have often discussed, including my views in previous articles, the potential for AI to revolutionize industries is immense. The synergy between Creactives’ technological capabilities and Bain’s consultative expertise illustrates how collaborative efforts can unlock new realms of business potential.

As someone whose career has been heavily intertwined with AI and its applications, I find the strides made in Procurement particularly exciting. It brings to mind my work on Machine Learning algorithms for self-driving robots during my time at Harvard. There, we also grappled with the need for clean, high-quality data to train our models effectively. The parallels to what Creactives and Bain are doing in procurement are striking; quality data is paramount, and AI is the enabler of transformative insights.

<AI in procurement process>

Such advancements parallel the themes we’ve seen in other AI-driven industries. For instance, the application of modular arithmetic in cryptographic algorithms, as discussed in an article on prime factorization, underscores the transformative power of AI across different realms.


As we step into a future where AI continues to redefine traditional business operations, partnerships like that of Creactives and Bain set a powerful example of what can be achieved. Through enhanced data quality and insightful procurement strategies, businesses can look forward to more efficient, sustainable, and intelligent operations.

The journey of integrating AI seamlessly into all facets of business is an ongoing one, and it’s partnerships like this that fuel the progress. With my background in AI and consultancy, I eagerly await to see the groundbreaking solutions that will emerge from this collaboration.

<Digital transformation in procurement>



For those interested in staying ahead in the AI-powered transformation of procurement and beyond, keeping an eye on such collaborations and their developments will be crucial.

Focus Keyphrase: AI in Procurement

Alliance Aviation Services Limited (ASX:AQZ) Shares Could Be 28% Above Their Intrinsic Value Estimate

The projected fair value for Alliance Aviation Services is AU$2.41 based on a 2-Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity model. The current share price of AU$3.09 suggests that Alliance Aviation Services is potentially overvalued by 28%. Analysts, however, have set a price target of AU$4.59, which is 90% above our fair value estimate.

Understanding the DCF Valuation Method

Does the May share price for Alliance Aviation Services Limited (ASX:AQZ) reflect what it’s really worth? To estimate the stock’s intrinsic value, we will use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model, which calculates the value of a company based on forecasted future cash flows, discounted back to their value today. Despite its complexities, the math behind DCF is relatively straightforward.

Companies can be valued in numerous ways, and a DCF model may not be perfect for every situation. However, it is widely used for its methodological approach to valuing future cash flows.

“DCF is all about the idea that a dollar in the future is less valuable than a dollar today.” — Simply Wall St

Methodology and Assumptions

We’re using the 2-stage growth model, which accounts for two stages of a company’s growth: an initial high-growth period and a subsequent stable growth phase. For the initial stage, we estimate the next ten years of cash flows based on analyst estimates or extrapolations from previous free cash flow (FCF) reports.

Here’s a summary of our 10-year free cash flow (FCF) estimate:

Year Levered FCF (A$, Millions) Present Value (A$, Millions) Discounted @ 7.6%
2024 -AU$88.9 million -AU$82.7 million
2025 -AU$80.7 million -AU$69.8 million
2026 AU$10.5 million AU$8.4 million
2027 AU$15.8 million AU$11.8 million
2028 AU$21.5 million AU$14.9 million
2029 AU$27.0 million AU$17.5 million
2030 AU$32.1 million AU$19.3 million
2031 AU$36.6 million AU$20.4 million
2032 AU$40.4 million AU$20.9 million
2033 AU$43.6 million AU$21.0 million

The Terminal Value

The second stage is known as Terminal Value (TV), representing the business’s cash flows after the initial high-growth period. Terminal Value is calculated using a conservative growth rate that does not exceed the country’s GDP growth rate. For this calculation, we used a 5-year average of the 10-year government bond yield (2.3%). Using a cost of equity of 7.6%, the calculations are as follows:

Terminal Value (TV) = FCF 2033 × (1 + g) ÷ (r – g) = AU$44 million × (1 + 2.3%) ÷ (7.6% – 2.3%) = AU$840 million

Present Value of Terminal Value (PVTV) = TV / (1 + r)10 = AU$840 million ÷ (1 + 7.6%)10 = AU$405 million

The total equity value is the sum of the present value of future cash flows, which in this case is AU$387 million. Comparing this to the current share price of AU$3.10, the company appears slightly overvalued. As with any valuation model, remember that the outputs depend heavily on the assumptions made—garbage in, garbage out.

Stock Market Analysis

SWOT Analysis for Alliance Aviation Services

Strengths Earnings growth over the past year exceeded the industry. Debt is well-covered by earnings.
Weaknesses No major weaknesses identified for AQZ.
Opportunities Annual earnings are forecast to grow faster than the Australian market. Good value based on P/E ratio compared to the estimated fair P/E ratio.
Threats Debt is not well covered by operating cash flow. Revenue is forecast to grow slower than 20% per year.

Next Steps: Further Analysis

While the DCF calculation is significant, it’s just one piece of the investment puzzle. The best use of a DCF model is to test various assumptions to see if the company appears undervalued or overvalued. For Alliance Aviation Services, further factors need examining:

Risks: We’ve identified one warning sign for Alliance Aviation Services.

Future Earnings: How does AQZ’s growth rate compare to its peers and the market? Dig deeper into analyst consensus numbers with our free analyst growth expectation chart.

High-Quality Alternatives: Do you prefer well-rounded options? Explore our interactive list of high-quality stocks you may be missing.

“The DCF model is not a be-all and end-all solution for investment valuation but a tool to test underlying assumptions and theories.” — David Maiolo

As an AI and machine learning consultant, understanding and applying mathematical models like DCF reminds me of discussions around modular arithmetic and prime factorization, topics I’ve previously explored on my blog (see: Exploring Modular Arithmetic Applications in Cryptography and AI).

By integrating rigorous mathematical analysis into practical applications, we take a systematic approach to uncovering intrinsic values, whether in finance or AI-driven algorithms. Understanding these principles encourages a balanced and evidence-based perspective, reflective of my own approach as a consultant.

AI and Stock Market

Ultimately, these methods align with broader themes I’ve discussed, such as the importance of evidence-based analysis, skepticism of unverified claims, and cautious optimism about AI’s role in our future.

Focus Keyphrase: Intrinsic Value of Alliance Aviation Services

Direct Digital Alert: Class Action Lawsuit and the Role of AI and Machine Learning in Modern Advertising

The recent news of a class action lawsuit filed against Direct Digital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: DRCT) has sparked conversations about the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the rapidly evolving landscape of online advertising. As a professional in the AI and cloud solutions sector through my consulting firm, DBGM Consulting, Inc., I find this case particularly compelling due to its implications for AI-driven strategies in advertising. The lawsuit, filed by Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., alleges misleading statements and failure to disclose material facts about the company’s transition towards a cookie-less advertising environment and the viability of its AI and ML investments.

Click here to participate in the action.

This development raises significant questions about the integrity and effectiveness of AI-driven advertising solutions. The lawsuit claims that Direct Digital made false claims about its ability to transition from third-party cookies to first-party data sources using AI and ML technologies. This is a pertinent issue for many businesses as they navigate the changes in digital marketing frameworks, particularly with Google’s phase-out of third-party cookies.

The Challenge of Transitioning with AI and ML

As an AI consultant who has worked on numerous projects involving machine learning models and process automation, I can attest to the transformative potential of AI in advertising. However, this transition is not without its challenges. AI must be trained on vast datasets to develop effective models, a process that demands significant time and resources. The lawsuit against Direct Digital suggests that the company’s efforts in this area might not have been as robust or advanced as publicly claimed.

<Cookie-less advertising>

AI and Machine Learning: The Promising but Cautious Path Forward

AI and machine learning offer promising alternatives to traditional tracking methods. For instance, AI can analyze user behavior patterns to develop personalized advertising strategies without relying on invasive tracking techniques. However, the successful implementation of such technologies requires transparency and robust data management practices. The allegations against Direct Digital point to a potential gap between their projected capabilities and the actual performance of their AI solutions.



Reflecting on previous discussions from my blog, particularly articles focused on machine learning paradigms, it’s clear that integrating AI into practical applications is a complex and nuanced process. The importance of foundational concepts such as prime factorization in AI and cryptography highlights how deep the theoretical understanding must be to achieve successful outcomes. Similarly, modular arithmetic applications in cryptography emphasize the necessity of rigorous testing and validation – which seems to be an area of concern in the Direct Digital case.

Implications for Investors and the Industry

The lawsuit serves as a critical reminder for investors and stakeholders in AI-driven businesses to demand transparency and realistic expectations. It underscores the need for companies to invest not just in developing AI technologies but also in thoroughly verifying and validating their performance. For those interested in the lawsuit, more information is available through Brandon Walker or Marion Passmore at Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C.

<Class action lawsuit>

The Future of AI in Advertising

Looking ahead, companies must balance innovation with accountability. As someone who has worked extensively in AI and ML, I understand both the potential and the pitfalls of these technologies. AI can revolutionize advertising, offering personalized and efficient solutions that respect user privacy. However, this will only be achievable through meticulous research, ethical practices, and transparent communication with stakeholders.

In conclusion, the Direct Digital lawsuit is a call to action for the entire AI community. It highlights the importance of credibility and the need for a rigorous approach to developing AI solutions. As an advocate for responsible AI usage, I believe this case will lead to more scrutiny and better practices in the industry, ultimately benefiting consumers, businesses, and investors alike.



Focus Keyphrase: AI in advertising

Exploring Modular Arithmetic: Applications in Cryptography and AI

Modular arithmetic, a cornerstone of number theory, has profound implications in various fields, including cryptography and artificial intelligence. In this article, we’ll delve into the math behind modular arithmetic and demonstrate how it can be applied in areas like data encryption and algorithm optimization. This exploration is particularly relevant given my background in AI, cloud solutions, and security at DBGM Consulting, Inc..

Understanding Modular Arithmetic

Modular arithmetic revolves around the concept of congruence. Two integers \( a \) and \( b \) are said to be congruent modulo \( n \) if their difference is divisible by \( n \). This is denoted as:

\( a \equiv b \ (\text{mod} \ n) \)

For instance, \( 17 \equiv 2 \ (\text{mod} \ 5) \) because \( 17 – 2 = 15 \), and 15 is divisible by 5.

This concept can be extended to operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. For example:

  • \( (a + b) \ \text{mod} \ n = (a \ \text{mod} \ n + b \ \text{mod} \ n) \ \text{mod} \ n \)
  • \( (a – b) \ \text{mod} \ n = (a \ \text{mod} \ n – b \ \text{mod} \ n) \ \text{mod} \ n \)
  • \( (a \cdot b) \ \text{mod} \ n = (a \ \text{mod} \ n \cdot b \ \text{mod} \ n) \ \text{mod} \ n \)

Applications in Cryptography

One of the most significant applications of modular arithmetic is in cryptography. Cryptographic algorithms often rely on the difficulty of solving problems like the discrete logarithm problem or the integer factorization problem within modular arithmetic. A notable example is the RSA encryption algorithm.

In RSA, the security of encrypted messages relies on the difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers. The public key is generated using modular exponentiation:

\( c = m^e \ (\text{mod} \ n) \)

Here, \( m \) is the plaintext message, \( e \) is the encryption exponent, \( n \) is the product of two primes, and \( c \) is the ciphertext.

The RSA Algorithm

  1. Choose two distinct prime numbers \( p \) and \( q \).
  2. Compute \( n = p \cdot q \) and \( \phi(n) = (p – 1)(q – 1) \).
  3. Select an integer \( e \) such that \( 1 < e < \phi(n) \) and \( \text{gcd}(e, \phi(n)) = 1 \).
  4. Determine \( d \) as the modular multiplicative inverse of \( e \mod \phi(n) \), meaning \( e \cdot d \equiv 1 \ (\text{mod} \ \phi(n)) \).
  5. Public key is \( (e, n) \) and private key is \( (d, n) \).
  6. Encryption: \( c = m^e \mod n \).
  7. Decryption: \( m = c^d \mod n \).

This process illustrates how modular arithmetic underpins the security of RSA, making it crucial for secure communications.

<RSA encryption algorithm>

Enhancing AI with Modular Arithmetic

Modular arithmetic also plays a role in artificial intelligence, especially in optimizing algorithms and managing computational challenges. For instance, modular arithmetic can enhance the efficiency of hash functions used in data structures like hash tables, ensuring faster data retrieval and storage.

Moreover, in machine learning, modular arithmetic can be employed in stochastic gradient descent algorithms. By leveraging modulus operations, we can manage large integer computations more efficiently, reducing computational load and improving the scalability of machine learning models.



Practical Example: Custom CCD Control Board Development

In a project I worked on with my amateur astronomer friends in upstate New York, we developed a custom CCD control board for a Kodak sensor. This involved intricate timing and signal processing, which was made more efficient by employing modular arithmetic in our algorithms to handle cyclic data patterns.

<Custom CCD control board for Kodak sensor>


Modular arithmetic is a fundamental mathematical concept with far-reaching implications in cryptography and artificial intelligence. Its ability to simplify complex problems and enhance computational efficiency makes it an invaluable tool in both theoretical and applied mathematics. As we continue to explore its applications, modular arithmetic will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of modern technological advancements, from securing data to optimizing AI algorithms.

<Digital security lock and AI interface>

For further reading on related topics, check out my previous articles on Understanding Prime Factorization and Mitigating AI Hallucinations in Community College Classrooms.

Focus Keyphrase: modular arithmetic applications

Understanding Prime Factorization: The Building Blocks of Number Theory

Number Theory is one of the most fascinating branches of mathematics, often considered the ‘purest’ form of mathematical study. At its core lies the concept of prime numbers and their role in prime factorization. This mathematical technique has intrigued mathematicians for centuries and finds significant application in various fields, including computer science, cryptography, and even artificial intelligence.

Let’s delve into the concept of prime factorization and explore not just its mathematical beauty but also its practical implications.

What is Prime Factorization?

Prime factorization is the process of decomposing a composite number into a product of its prime factors. In simple terms, it involves breaking down a number until all the remaining factors are prime numbers. For instance, the number 60 can be factorized as:

\[ 60 = 2^2 \times 3 \times 5 \]

In this example, 2, 3, and 5 are prime numbers, and 60 is expressed as their product. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic assures us that this factorization is unique for any given number.

<Prime Factorization Diagram>

Applications in Cryptography

The concept of prime factorization is crucial in modern cryptography, particularly in public-key cryptographic systems such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). RSA encryption relies on the computational difficulty of factoring large composite numbers. While it’s easy to multiply two large primes to get a composite number, reversing the process (factorizing the composite number) is computationally intensive and forms the backbone of RSA’s security.

Here’s the basic idea of how RSA encryption utilizes prime factorization:

  • Select two large prime numbers, \( p \) and \( q \)
  • Compute their product, \( n = p \times q \)
  • Choose an encryption key \( e \) that is coprime with \((p-1)(q-1)\)
  • Compute the decryption key \( d \) such that \( e \cdot d \equiv 1 \mod (p-1)(q-1) \)

Because of the difficulty of factorizing \( n \), an eavesdropper cannot easily derive \( p \) and \( q \) and, by extension, cannot decrypt the message.



Prime Factorization and Machine Learning

While prime factorization may seem rooted in pure mathematics, it has real-world applications in AI and machine learning as well. When developing new algorithms or neural networks, understanding the foundational mathematics can provide insights into more efficient computations.

For instance, matrix factorization is a popular technique in recommender systems, where large datasets are decomposed into simpler matrices to predict user preferences. Similarly, understanding the principles of prime factorization can aid in optimizing algorithms for big data processing.

<Matrix Factorization Example>

Practical Example: Process Automation

In my consulting work at DBGM Consulting, Inc., we frequently engage in process automation projects where recognizing patterns and breaking them down into simpler components is essential. Prime factorization serves as a perfect analogy for our work in breaking down complex tasks into manageable, automatable parts.

For example, consider a workflow optimization project in a large enterprise. By deconstructing the workflow into prime components such as data collection, processing, and reporting, we can create specialized AI models for each component. This modular approach ensures that each part is optimized, leading to an efficient overall system.

<Workflow Optimization Flowchart>


Prime factorization is not just a theoretical exercise but a powerful tool with practical applications in various domains, from cryptography to machine learning and process automation. Its unique properties and the difficulty of factoring large numbers underpin the security of modern encryption algorithms and contribute to the efficiency of various computational tasks. Understanding and leveraging these foundational principles allows us to solve more complex problems in innovative ways.

As I’ve discussed in previous articles, particularly in the realm of Number Theory, fundamental mathematical concepts often find surprising and valuable applications in our modern technological landscape. Exploring these intersections can offer new perspectives and solutions to real-world problems.

Focus Keyphrase: Prime Factorization

Apple may label iOS 18 Artificial Intelligence Features as a Beta Preview: A Strategic Catch-up

In the latest edition of Mark Gurman’s newsletter for Bloomberg, it was reported that Apple’s highly-anticipated AI features for iOS 18 and its other operating systems might be released with a ‘beta’ or ‘preview’ designation. This indicates that Apple might still be playing catch-up in the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence, as the planned features for this cycle may not yet be reliable or polished enough for a full unqualified launch.

iOS 18 Beta Preview

Apple’s AI Strategy: A Deliberate Pace

Apple has built a reputation for taking a deliberate approach to technology advancements, often prioritizing stability and user experience over being first to market. In this case, however, it seems Apple may have been caught off guard by the AI revolution. The decision to label iOS 18 AI features as beta suggests that these capabilities are still under development and refinement. Interestingly, while some may view Apple as lagging behind, the recent issues seen with Google Search’s AI rollouts highlight the potential benefits of Apple’s cautious approach.

Key Features to Watch

iOS 18 is expected to integrate a variety of AI-powered features:

  • Text message and notification summarization
  • Voice memo transcriptions
  • AI-enhanced photo editing
  • Automatic message reply suggestions
  • Updates to Safari and Spotlight search
  • A revamped Siri
  • Generative AI for creating new emoji variations

AI features in iOS 18

Local vs. Cloud Processing

Apple plans a multi-pronged approach for handling AI requests, with some processed locally on the device and others relayed to Apple’s cloud infrastructure. This hybrid approach aligns with Apple’s long-term emphasis on on-device processing for enhanced privacy. Nevertheless, the escalating demands of generative AI mean that many features will necessitate cloud processing, particularly for complex tasks.

Apple Cloud Infrastructure

Hardware and Compatibility

On-device handling is likely to be limited to newer Apple devices, such as the latest generations of iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Furthermore, Apple is preparing a specialized, miniaturized on-device model tailored for the Apple Watch. This hardware dependency might leave users of older devices with limited access to new features, a common trade-off in technology advancements.

Will Privacy Trade-offs Erode Consumer Trust?

A critical question is how Apple will balance its AI strategy with its long-standing commitment to user privacy. Whereas previous announcements emphasized on-device processing to protect user data, the necessity of cloud-based solutions for advanced AI features could challenge this stance. Although Apple’s cloud will utilize Apple silicon chips in its servers, making it less private than purely on-device solutions, Apple must navigate this transition carefully to maintain user trust.

The Integration of ChatGPT

Additionally, iOS 18 will incorporate a chatbot driven by OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology. Speculation suggests that Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, might appear during the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) to announce this partnership. There are also rumors about a potential collaboration with Google for their Gemini AI model, though details remain uncertain.


The gradual rollout of AI features in beta for iOS 18 indicates Apple’s cautious yet strategic approach to incorporating cutting-edge technology. As the company strives to balance innovation with reliability, this move could prove prudent amid the AI-driven transformations across various industries. For more insights into AI advancements, check out my previous articles on Mitigating AI Hallucinations in Community College Classrooms and leveraging ChatGPT-4o for Solana price predictions.

Focus Keyphrase: Apple iOS 18 AI beta preview



Traditional Financial Services Catch the Super App Bug

If the likes of Amazon Pay, PhonePe, and Paytm tried to go the super app way in the first fintech wave, traditional financial services are taking a stab at it now. Financial giants like Aditya Birla Capital, Angel One, and Muthoot Fincorp are building one-stop applications for a wide array of financial services. This shift comes at a time when large conglomerates such as Reliance Industries and Tata Group have already established digital platforms that integrate shopping, payments, and credit services under one roof.

Aditya Birla Capital’s Digital Platform

Aditya Birla Capital introduced its omnichannel direct-to-consumer platform, Aditya Birla Capital Digital, last month. This platform offers 22 products and services, including Unified Payments Interface-based transactions, bill payments, and online recharges, in addition to financial services like loans, insurance, investment options, and personal finance tracking tools.

The platform aims to attract 30 million users within the next three years, according to Aditya Birla Group chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla. The super app also features its own range of products, including a portfolio consolidator and spend analyzer, catering to various customer needs through a single platform.

  1. Unified Payments Interface-based transactions
  2. Bill payments and online recharges
  3. Loans, insurance, investment options
  4. Personal finance tracking tools
  5. Portfolio consolidator and spend analyzer

Aditya Birla Capital Digital Platform

Muthoot Fincorp’s Super App

In August 2023, Muthoot Fincorp launched Muthoot Fincorp One, a platform to offer MSME and gold loans, investments in products such as digital gold and non-convertible debentures (NCDs), insurance products, and options for utility and loan payments—all on a single platform. According to Chief Executive Shaji Varghese, the application has been downloaded by about 1.23 million customers and is showing promising usage rates, with over 600,000 users monthly.

“We need a good fusion of both physical infrastructure and digital. So, we believe we need ‘phygital’ as the required strategic impetus…All products and services that we offer in the branch will eventually come under the same platform,” Varghese said. The company invests more than Rs 100 crore annually to enhance its technology, including the super app.

Muthoot Fincorp One Super App Interface

Angel One’s Multi-Service Platform

Angel One, a stock broking platform, said during its last quarter earnings call that it is in the process of adding new products to its super app, such as consumer credit and fixed income products, which are currently in beta testing with select clients. The Angel One super app provides services like online trading and investing, direct mutual funds, sovereign gold bonds, and NCDs.

“We believe the time has come that we have to leverage our super app platform where we offer multiple services to customers to increase their lifetime value and engagement on our platform. So, because of that, we will see lots of active customers,” said Dinesh Thakkar, chairman and managing director of Angel One.

According to the company’s quarterly presentation, increased digital engagement results in a higher number of clients becoming active over time. Approximately 54% of clients acquired in FY21 became active over the following four years across various segments on its platform.

Angel One Super App Functionalities

Regulatory Challenges

Navigating the intricate regulatory environment of financial services can sometimes pose challenges for numerous super apps, particularly spanning various sectors and regulatory entities. “For us, regulation is an empowerment so that we know the scope and the boundary within which we have to operate. Given that there are various regulations, each business develops the needful compliance and regulatory environment within the organization first, and then they do business. This is in the larger interest of both the customers and the industry,” Varghese said.

Traditional financial services catching the super app bug illustrates the convergence of various financial services onto a single platform, a trend previously observed in the fintech sector. The incorporation of multiple services into one application aims to make financial management more accessible and seamless for consumers. This aligns closely with the themes discussed in our previous articles on machine learning and AI, such as the Solana Price Prediction for End of 2024, which highlighted the growing importance of integrated and intelligent systems.

As these traditional financial services adapt to the super app model, it is imperative to consider the regulatory landscape and strive for a balance between digital innovation and compliance.

Focus Keyphrase: Traditional Financial Services Super Apps


We Asked ChatGPT-4o What Will Be Solana Price at the End of 2024; Here’s What It Said

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, traders and investors are constantly looking for reliable predictions to inform their decision-making processes. Solana (SOL) has been one of the standout performers in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, with the token maintaining bullish momentum and again targeting the $200 mark. Recently, Solana has surged over 30% in the past month, drawing considerable attention to its potential future value.

Recognizing the significance of this movement, Finbold sought insights from ChatGPT-4o, the latest and most advanced artificial intelligence model. Our previous articles on AI and its applications, such as “Mitigating AI Hallucinations in Community College Classrooms,” have underscored the importance of trustworthy and accurate AI tools. In this context, ChatGPT-4o’s predictions offer a fascinating glimpse into the potential future of Solana’s price.

ChatGPT-4o’s Prediction for Solana

When asked about Solana’s price at the end of 2024, ChatGPT-4o provided a cautiously optimistic outlook. According to the AI model, several factors could influence Solana’s price trajectory, including:

  • Market Sentiment: Continued investor confidence and interest in Solana could maintain or even boost its value.
  • Technological Advancements: Ongoing developments within the Solana network can enhance its functionality and appeal.
  • DeFi Activities: Increased activity on DeFi platforms built on Solana can drive more demand for the token.

Based on these factors, ChatGPT-4o predicts that Solana could realistically aim for the $200 mark by the end of 2024, provided that current trends and factors remain favorable.

Supporting Factors for Solana’s Bullish Momentum

Let’s delve into the factors that support Solana’s bullish momentum, as identified by ChatGPT-4o:

Factors Details
Market Sentiment Positive market sentiment and investor confidence can sustain or elevate Solana’s price.
Technological Advancements Innovation in the Solana network to improve speed, scalability, and security.
DeFi Activities Growth in decentralized finance applications and user adoption on the Solana platform.

Challenges and Considerations

While the outlook seems optimistic, it is essential to keep in mind the potential challenges that could impact Solana’s price:

  • Market Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility, and external factors can lead to sudden price shifts.
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: Increasing regulatory oversight might affect market dynamics and investor behavior.
  • Technological Risks: Potential technical issues or security vulnerabilities within the Solana network could undermine investor confidence.

Tying Back to Previous Articles

Our exploration of AI’s role in various fields, as discussed in previous articles like “AlgoTech Algorithmic Trading Platform Gains Traction Amid Notcoin Price Recovery,” highlights the growing dependence on AI for data-driven insights. ChatGPT-4o’s prediction for Solana mirrors this trend of using advanced algorithms to forecast financial outcomes, further bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and practical applications.


While predicting the future price of cryptocurrencies like Solana involves inherent uncertainties, AI models such as ChatGPT-4o offer valuable perspectives based on a wide array of data inputs. As Solana continues to exhibit bullish tendencies, its trajectory towards the $200 mark appears plausible, contingent on sustained favorable conditions in the market and technological landscape.

For those interested in the ongoing developments within the Solana network and the broader crypto market, keeping an eye on such AI-driven predictions can provide a competitive edge. Stay tuned for more updates and AI-driven insights into the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance.

Focus Keyphrase: Solana price prediction